A Home for Joy in the Heart of Our City

A Home for Joy in the Heart of Our City

Vase with wheat inside


A Home for Joy

A Home for Joy

When we made the choice to move downtown, our decision was soaked in prayer and a long season of seeking God’s direction for our future. We felt a sense of call to further our mission in this strategic location. The energy and life in the heart of our city creates new opportunities for engaging our community, and we are committed to invest our lives in this exciting mission. To that end, our A HOME FOR JOY capital campaign will help to propel our ministry for years to come as we seek to reach new people with the gospel and grow together as followers of Jesus.

Your faithfulness, generosity, and joy have gotten us to this point. A few dozen people raised $70,000 in 2014 when we planted this church. In the fall of 2020, a couple hundred people raised $550,000 to put a down payment on the property we now call home. We took another big step of faith to raise $1,250,000 to build out this space. Now, it’s time to do it again.


What if we created more great spaces to welcome more new faces to Redemption?

What if we created more great spaces to welcome more new faces to Redemption?

A frequent comment we hear from visitors is, “What are you going to do when you grow?” We love our location and we love our building—both are amazing provisions of God for Redemption Church, and both are attractive to the people in our area. Since we moved into our building in October 2023, we've seen about 80% growth in the number of attenders at Redemption Church.

So, we must also recognize that our land and meeting spaces are somewhat limited in our current setup. As we continue to see new faces at Redemption, we want to create more spaces for many to find a place to connect and a part to play in our community.


More Spaces for Learning

Kids and students are a vital part of our church family. We knew when we moved into this building that our tightest space would be in Kids. We are at capacity in our kids' classrooms (ask anyone serving in Kids Ministry!).

Our campaign will provide a new building more than doubling our classroom space, and it could be ready to open up as early as fall of 2025. These classrooms would remain flexible spaces providing us more growth for students, marriage groups, equip classes, and more.

Woman meditating
Woman meditating


More Spaces for Connecting

Our downtown location puts us in the center of our community — both where people live & where people gather from all around the area. We want to bring people together to experience new life at Redemption. When we completed our initial construction of our building, high costs forced us to trim some inviting elements out of our original design.

We want to complete those plans which include outdoor gathering spaces and amenities, a stage for the worship center to improve line of sight, an LED screen for better visuals in worship, new chairs, and more.


More Spaces for the Future

We love our downtown location, but we recognize that it comes with both challenges and opportunities as we seek to add new people to our church family. We would like to secure our future in downtown Edmond through the purchase of adjacent properties which allow for future development and growth as a church.

We want our church’s mission to thrive for decades to come so that future generations know the joy of the gospel.

Woman meditating


"The Home for Joy Campaign will provide our church with more inviting, joy-filled spaces for new faces to find deep, meaningful life in Christ."

"The Home for Joy Campaign will provide our church with more inviting, joy-filled spaces for new faces to find deep, meaningful life in Christ."


Dates to Know



Campaign Begins

Campaign Begins



3rd Monday Prayer

3rd Monday Prayer



Prayer & Worship Sunday

Prayer & Worship Sunday



Commitment Sunday

Commitment Sunday



Celebration Announcement

Celebration Announcement

Our campaign is all about creating ways to introduce people to Jesus and help them grow as his followers.


Answers to your Questions

Answers to your Questions

What is the timeline for construction?

It could be as short as six months once we have the first $500,000 in cash donations. Weve been told that it would be best to do all the construction at once, under the supervision of a single construction manager, which will help with efficiency and cost as well as allowing us to do everything in one city permitting process. If we do not have all of the cash in hand, we might need to split this into multiple projects which would likely expand both our costs and timeline.

What is the timeline for construction?

It could be as short as six months once we have the first $500,000 in cash donations. Weve been told that it would be best to do all the construction at once, under the supervision of a single construction manager, which will help with efficiency and cost as well as allowing us to do everything in one city permitting process. If we do not have all of the cash in hand, we might need to split this into multiple projects which would likely expand both our costs and timeline.

What is the timeline for construction?

It could be as short as six months once we have the first $500,000 in cash donations. Weve been told that it would be best to do all the construction at once, under the supervision of a single construction manager, which will help with efficiency and cost as well as allowing us to do everything in one city permitting process. If we do not have all of the cash in hand, we might need to split this into multiple projects which would likely expand both our costs and timeline.

What is the cost of the new building, and what will this provide for us?

What is the cost of the new building, and what will this provide for us?

What is the cost of the new building, and what will this provide for us?

The new building will cost around $250,000 and will take around four months to complete. This building will add two additional classrooms that can be used for Kids Ministry on Sundays and for groups, classes, and meeting space throughout the week. Costs are our best guess at this time but will vary based on final design elements and costs.

What is the cost for completing construction on our current building, and what will this provide for us?

What is the cost for completing construction on our current building, and what will this provide for us?

What is the cost for completing construction on our current building, and what will this provide for us?

Our best guess is that completing our current building will cost around $250,000. Improvements to the building will include outdoor gathering spaces and amenities, a stage for the worship center to improve line of sight, an LED screen for better visuals in worship, new chairs, and more.

What are our current finances and debt remaining?

What are our current finances and debt remaining?

What are our current finances and debt remaining?

We currently have $143,000 in cash reserves in our General Fund and $66,000 in our Home Fund. Fiscal year-to-date expenses have been $441,726 and giving has been $432,608.

We are asking you to make a joy-filled commitment to our A HOME FOR JOY campaign before April 27th to help us improve and expand our church home.

My Commitment Card

Calculating my Home Campaign Gift


© 2025 Redemption Edmond

We are asking you to make a joy-filled commitment to our A HOME FOR JOY campaign before April 27th to help us improve and expand our church home.

My Commitment Card

Calculating my Home Campaign Gift


© 2025 Redemption Edmond

We are asking you to make a joy-filled commitment to our A HOME FOR JOY campaign before April 27th to help us improve and expand our church home.

My Commitment Card

Calculating my Home Campaign Gift


© 2025 Redemption Edmond